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Friday, November 6, 2009

Dividend - Intel (INTC) (11/4/2009)

This is simply an update to the Intel position which notes the passing of the ex-dividend date. The new profit/loss info is below:

10/21/2009 -- Bought 100 INTC @ 19.795
10/21/2009 -- Sold To Open 1 INTC December $19 Call @ 1.14
11/4/2009 -- Dividend @ 0.14

The important purchase metrics are below for insight into possible profit and loss (these all include commissions):
Cost Basis: $1865.50

Potential Annualized Gain If Called At Expiration (12/19/2009): 14.43%

Downside Protection: 6.5%


  1. 1. I don't know your commissions, but shouldn't your cost basis be closer to $1,955 than $1,755?
    2. Shouldn't your potential ARIE(Annualized Return if Exercised) be closer to:
    (Net Income/Original Investment)*(365/31 days)=
    {[($1.14-($19.795-$19.00)+$.14 div]/$19.795}+)*(365/31 days)= (($.345+$.14)/$19.795)*(365/31 days)= 28.8% ?
    Much nicer than 15.75%!

    Best Regards,

  2. Jeff,

    Thanks for pointing that mistake out. I have updated the post with the correct information, I normally copy and past previous posts when putting in new positions, so I keep the format the same, and I forgot to change some values.

